Digitally-enabled FLEXible Industries for reliable energy grids under high penetration of Variable Renewable Energy Sources
Start Date: 01/06/2022
End Date: 31/05/2026

FLEXIndustries is a strategic project aimed at developing and deploying energy efficiency measures and process flexibility methods in seven sectors. The project focuses on ensuring that these solutions are seamlessly integrated into the electricity and heat networks. The main beneficiaries of this initiative are energy-intensive industries.
The project emphasises the transition to more efficient energy sources and a new way of managing production processes. This transition requires the support of standardisation bodies to ensure compatibility with market conditions and transparent rules for potential customers. By building on existing standards, FLEXIndustries aims to create solutions that are both effective and market-ready.
To achieve its goals, the project involves the scientific community and draws on technical expertise. This collaboration is essential to advance knowledge and ensure that the solutions developed meet the needs of industry. Public institutions and policy makers will also benefit from the project’s results, which will feed into policies and strategies such as the EU’s Green Deal. Financial partners will also be involved to ensure the cost-effectiveness of the solutions.
A key component of FLEXIndustries is the development of a Dynamic Energy & Process Management Platform. This platform will serve as a decision support tool to help industries choose the optimal combination of energy-saving solutions. The project aims to create a holistic approach to energy efficiency that benefits multiple stakeholders and contributes to a more sustainable future.