TYPicity, Innovation, competitiveness in Alpine dairy Products.

Start Date: 01/01/2019
End Date: 31/12/2021
Web Site: interreg-italiasvizzera.eu/progetti/typicalp

TYPICALP intends to increase and strengthen the competitiveness of the MPMIs in the dairy supply chain in the mountain areas of Valle d’Aosta and Valais through the development of a sustainable and innovative cross-border communication and distribution model, for the enhancement of products of mountain and their by-products. The project also aims to safeguard the typical characteristics of dairy products of the Alpine tradition and their biodiversity through collaboration between research centres and companies in the area of cross-border cooperation, by implementing joint interventions, to solve the common critical issues, aimed at product and process innovation, strategic and organizational innovation, while maintaining the savoir faire of tradition. TYPICALP will promote the development and implementation of local logistics systems, through new TLC technologies and low environmental impact vehicles.

LINKS will take care of the following two activities:

  1. Improve the traceability of dairy products through Distributed Ledger and Smart Seal technologies.
  2. Optimizing the logistics chain through:
    • dairy supply chain classification;
    • participation with local stakeholders;
    • survey for the mapping of logistics flows;
    • analysis of dairy supply chain costs;
    • identifying critical issues and processing proposals;
    • experimentation.

TYPICALP is co-financed by the Interreg Italy-Switzerland Cooperation Program with a total budget of EUR 1.63 million and is developed by a consortium of five partners: Institut Agricole Régional IAR (Italian leader), Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale HES-SO Valais (Swiss leader), LINKS Foundation, Valdostana Chamber of Businesses and Professions and Valle d’Aosta Autonomous Region

TYPICALP is co-financed by the Interreg Italy-Switzerland Cooperation Program