The H2020 ROOT Project starts tomorrow, 12 November 2020.
ROOT – Rolling Out OSNMA for the secure synchronization of Telecom networks – will assess the benefits introduced in the synchronisation of 5G telecommunication networks by the authenticated signal transmitted by the European satellite navigation system Galileo, the so-called OSNMA signal.
ROOT will follow an experimental approach to demonstrate and measure the increased level of robustness and resilience of 5G network when new multi-frequency, OSNMA-ready Galileo receivers are combined with secure network synchronization distribution protocols.
Marco Pini, head of the Space and Navigation Technologies Area, coordinates a high-quality group of European researchers, technicians, and consultants from Politecnico di Torino (DET and DAUIN Departments), Septentrio NV, Telefonica Group SA, Seven Solutions SL and VVA.
Researchers form LINKS’ Cyber Security and Space and Navigation Technologies Areas complete the ROOT team.