APOLLO – territoriAl corPOrate weLfare through digitaLization and cOoperation
Start Date: 01/09/2024
End Date: 31/08/2027
Web Site: https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/apollo/

The APOLLO project aims to improve workers’ well-being by promoting collaboration among public administrations, research centers, businesses, and other stakeholders involved in territorial corporate welfare. The project focuses on digitalization as a driver of social innovation and a tool to support welfare initiatives. It brings together ten partners from Italy, Austria, Germany, and Slovenia, representing public administrations, research institutions, and adult education providers, with observers acting as multipliers and implementers of the planned actions.
APOLLO addresses critical challenges in the Alpine region, including the emerging work-life balance needs driven by demographic changes and family support, the rise of innovative work models such as remote and flexible work, and the impact of digitalization on human resource management and public-private collaboration. To address these challenges, APOLLO has identified three main objectives: enhancing the exchange of knowledge on digitalization applied to welfare, strengthening cooperation among stakeholders, and improving both working conditions and access to services, with a special focus on decentralized areas.
The project includes the analysis of best practices, needs assessments, and capacity-building activities for public and private stakeholders. Pilot actions will be implemented in Italy, Slovenia, Germany, and Austria, supported by the development of a GearingUP toolkit to ensure the transferability of solutions, making transnational cooperation the engine of the project’s synergies. Additionally, policy recommendations will be developed to encourage legislative improvements and the sharing of best practices.