
LINKS is in many networks that allow it to generate new research partnerships and to constantly be up to date with international technological trends.
LINKS works synergistically with the territory and establishes collaborations through framework agreements with businesses and associations to facilitate exchanges and collaborations.
5GAA– 5G Automotive Association
AIOTI– The Alliance for the Internet of Things Innovation
BDVA– Big Data Value Association
BRIDGE– Cooperation Group of Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects
CCAM– Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility
CERIS– Community for European Research and Innovation for Security
Eclipse Foundation
ECSCI– European Cluster for Securing Critical Infrastructures
EFFRA– European Factories of the Future Research Association
EIP SCC– European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities
EIT DIGITAL– European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT)
EPSI– Europe Accelerates Innovation in Sport
ETP4HPC– European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing
ETSI– European Telecommunications Standards Institute
GEO– Group on Earth Observations
Heterogeneity Alliance
HiPEAC– European Network on High-performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation
ICESP– Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform