Rhine-Alpine Integrated and SEamless Travel Chain.

Start Date: 01/01/2017
End Date: 31/12/2019
Web Site: egtc-rhine-alpine.eu/it/portfolio-item/raise-it

RAISE-IT takes up the results of the strategic initiative CODE24, implemented in 2010-2015 within the INTERREG IVB NWE programme of the EU, that concluded with recommendations on “increasing accessibility by integrating high-speed rail” along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor and suggested that high-speed rail aiming only at maximum speed is not a viable solution for this densely populated corridor.

RAISE-IT explores high speed rail integration and travel time savings through a multi-scale accessibility approach and aims to cater for transport demand exchanging with the corridor at key TEN-T nodes, in the areas around the nodes and across the nodes. Consistently, there are three scales of study: urban nodes and adjacent areas, greater node areas at the regional scale, and corridor-wide connections between nodes.

Firstly, work on urban node accessibility aims to optimise access and travel time within a node by considering infrastructure and operational aspects such as station configuration, way finding, integrated ticketing, and facilities for transferring passengers.

Secondly, work on seamless connection to and from nodes aims to study good integration of greater node areas with services on the corridor by working on transfers between local, regional, long distance and high speed services at nodes.

Finally, the study explores the suitability of an International Integrated Timed Transfer (IITT) concept aiming at better connecting the regions and their nodes along the Corridor.

RAISE-IT is co-financed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) with a total budget of EUR 1.67 million and a consortium of five partners: Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC (five affiliated members: Verband Region Rhein-Neckar, Regionalverband FrankfurtRheinMain, Uniontrasporti, Province Gelderland, Regionalverband Mittlerer Oberrhein), SiTI – Higher Institute on Territorial Systems for Innovation (now LINKS Foundation), ILS – Institut für Landes und Stadtentwicklungsforschung GmbH, Comune di Genova, and Istituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni.

RAISE-IT project is co-financed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility