The immersive virtual reality simulation, created by the VR Lab in collaboration with the VR @ POLITO laboratory of the Department of Automatics and Computer Science (DAUIN) of the Politecnico di Torino to support the training of military CBRN operators, has officially become part of the training course held by the Third Wing of the Air Force of Villafranca di Verona.
The first use of the simulation took place in the CBRN ENABLING COURSE held from 28 March to 8 April 2022, at the military base of Villafranca di Verona, with the technical support of LINKS foundation.
The virtual training involved 15 students from various military airports in Italy. At the end of the course, some questions regarding Virtual Reality were included in the final exam; the same questions were also integrated into the national database for the CBRN qualification test. The CBRN representatives of the Air Force communicated that the trainees have expressed a positive feedback on the Simulation, and that in the upcoming future it will be an integral part of the training process. Furthermore, they declared that the next goal will be to certify military personnel, at a national level, thanks to the automatic assessment that the VR simulations provide, integrating the tests of the face-to-face and e-learning sessions.