People from the Advanced Computing, Photonics and Electromagnetics (CPE) Research Domain attended EuCAP, the European conference on Antennas and Propagation, held from 28 March to 01 April in Madrid (Spain). The event offers the possibility to present innovative contents and discover new opportunities of collaboration.

During the event, seven papers with CPE authors were presented representing the different applied research activities that the Antenna group has been working on in recent years.

– “Beam Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna with a Reconfigurable Impedance Plane”
L. Teodorani, F. Vernì, G. Giordanengo, R. Gaffoglio, G. Franco and G. Vecchi

– “APA Optimization on Realistic Phantoms for Cancer Hyperthermia Treatments”
R. Gaffoglio, M. Righero, G. Giordanengo and G. Vecchi

– “Pixel Optimization via Genetic Algorithm of a Flat Epidermal Antenna for Fat Channel Communication”
R. Gaffoglio, G. Giordanengo, M. Righero, G. Musacchio Adorisio, B. Mandal, M. D Perez, H. Scherberger, R. Augustine and G. Vecchi

– “High-Performance Processing with Equivalent Currents: Results on a Very Large Measured Antenna”
L. Scialacqua, F. Mioc, F. Scattone, L. Foged, G. Giordanengo, M. Righero and G. Vecchi

– Toward Fast Machine Design of Metasurface Antennas
A. Scarabosio, F. Vernì, M. Righero, G. Giordanengo and G. Vecchi

– Measurement Path Optimization in Non-Structured Near-Field Acquisitions
M. Righero, M. Mammarella, F. Dabbene, G. Giordanengo, C. Ravazzi and G. Vecchi

– A Current-Based Algorithm for the Design of Metasurface Antennas
M. Zucchi, F. Vernì, M. Righero and G. Vecchi

At the following link you will find the Conference Program: