The Advanced Computing and Electromagnetics Research Area will participate in the thirteenth edition of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation ( – EuCAP 2019, scheduled from March 31 to April 5, in Krakow (Poland), to present the applied research activities developed in the last period.
During the conference, will be presented five papers:
- Gaffoglio, M. Zucchi, G. Vecchi, B. Sacco “A Comprehensive Analysis of Compact/Wideband Antenna Performance for DTT Reception on Mobile Terminals”
- Ciorba, G. Virone, F. Paonessa, S. Matteoli, P. Bolli, E. de Lera Acedo, N. Razavi-Ghods, J. Abraham, E. Colin Beltran, K. Zarb Adami, A. Magro, O. A. Peverini, G. Addamo, M. Righero, G. Giordanengo, G. Vecchi, “Near-Field Phase Reconstruction for UAV-based Antenna Measurements”
- Ciorba, M. Righero, G. Giordanengo, G. Vecchi, “Far Field evaluation from undersampled Near Field measurements using numerically built basis functions”
- Zucchi, G. Giordanengo, M. Righero, J. L. Araque Quijano, G. Vecchi, “Optimization of a Flat Directive Antenna for 2.4 GHz Band using Genetic Algorithm”
- A. Saporetti, F. Saccardi, L. J. Foged, J. Zackrisson, M. Righero, G. Giordanengo, G. Vecchi, D. Trenta, “Reduced Sampling in NF Antenna Measurement Using Numerical Defined Expansion Functions”
EuCAP is one of the reference conferences in the field of antennas and propagation, and every year it attracts about 1500 researchers from all over the world making it one of the largest conferences on these subjects.