On Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th of May the Kick-off meeting of the Interreg Central Europe SALUTE4CE project – Integrated environmental management of SmALl green spots in Urban Territories (https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/SALUTE4CE.html), will be held in Katowice (Poland).

The project aims at identifying solutions based on the construction of small green areas in residual portions of the pilot cities in order to improve the air quality and it also will include the involvement of citizens, who will have to participate in the project and take care, subsequently, of the management of the green areas that will be implemented in the pilot areas.

The project coordinator is the Polish Institute IETU (Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas) and includes 9 other partners from Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

For Italy, in addition to LINKS, who leads the Communication Working Package, the following are participating: the City of Alessandria, home of the pilot projects and the LAMORO Development Agency.